• Tel: 03333 442 220
  • reception@infinitedurham.co.uk
  • Belmont Ind Est, DH1 1GG

Guidelines & Policies


Infinite Air is an urban and extreme sports centre where injuries can happen. Like all sports, participants need to decide if the benefits of taking part are worth the risk of injury.

Following these rules will vastly reduce the likelihood of any participant sustaining an injury, please follow all rules presented throughout the park through printed rules, safety briefing or verbal instruction from staff.

If you are not happy to accept this level of risk it is not too late to change your mind. Please return to reception and we will be happy to give you a full refund.

Main Arena Rules

  • Only one person per trampoline at a time.
  • Safely land on two feet, your bum or your back when bouncing.
  • Never bounce near or on the grey pads.
  • Do not run across the trampolines.
  • Always watch out for others and give way to smaller bouncers.
  • Never affect another person’s bounce.
  • Do not perform tricks between trampolines.
  • Do not perform tricks off the side walls.
  • Do not jump from raised platforms unless trained in such movements. Always inform a member of the Air Crew before such activity.
  • Never climb or scramble up the back and side trampolines.


Air Bag Rules

  • Never jump into the Air Bag head first, feet first, cross legged or on your front.
  • Always land safely on your bum, back or side.
  • Do not jump into the Air Bag if another person is in your lane.
  • Do not jump into the Air Bag until instructed to do so by a member of the Air Crew.
  • Never enter the bag from a seated position.
  • Always exit the Air Bag straight ahead, never cross lanes when exiting.
  • Do not push anyone into the Air Bag.
  • Only one person at a time on the top platform.


Basketball Rules

  • No hanging from the basketball hoops, backboard, nets or upright padding.
  • Always stay in your lane.
  • Only one person per Slam Dunk lane.
  • Do not throw Basketballs over the centre netting into another lane.
  • Ensure no other Basketballs are present in your lane before bouncing.
  • No bouncing or Slam Dunking from directly beneath the backboard or hoop.
  • Only attempt Dunks within your ability.
  • No kicking the basketballs at any time.


Wall Running Rules

  • Wall running is for advanced jumpers, please advise a member of Aircrew that you plan to Wall Run.
  • Never climb or scramble up the wall – if you can’t run up the wall, develop your technique in other areas first.
  • Only one jumper per performance trampoline at any time & never affect another person’s bounce.
  • Never bounce from one performance trampoline to another.


Battle Beam Rules

  • No more than 2 players on the battle beam.
  • Stay on your own side and do not cross the centre line.
  • No head shots.
  • Side to side strikes are encouraged, do not charge at your opponent.
  • Don’t jump for the sides of the pit.
  • Aim to land on your back or bum in the airbag, not your feet.
  • Do not fight on the beam without using battle sticks.


Advice to Jumpers

  • No food and drink can be brought into Infinite Air, unless by prior arrangement for the purposes of an organised party.
  • No chewing gum allowed.
  • Only jump within your own skill level.
  • Watch out for other jumpers.
  • You must follow any verbal instruction and if in doubt about any rules, ask the Air Crew.
  • Infinite Air grip socks must be worn at all times for hygiene and safety purposes.
  • Always land on two feet while jumping
  • Please use mobile phones on carpeted areas, for safety we must ensure your flash is turned off too.